Old/new, new/old.

 Nothing is new, the lament of the more mature!

The advert for coffee bags is particularly irritating. Coffee was in bags in the sixties/seventies (Lyons made them, I think). I found them a bit weak, but then good coffee was rare in those days.

Television programmes for school children is a good thing, for lots of reasons. Now they call it 'Bitesize' but I remember school programmes on during the day, when we were off because of illness. Tucked up in a blanket, resting on cushions piled on the couch (or sofa, depending how posh you were) and if you were really lucky, a glass of Lucazade to hand.

The wind has blown the sky blue and the room smells of cooked oranges. Having done the shopping, now it is time to wash the dishes and do some ironing.

Oh, and print some labels for the marmalade.


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