Fruits of our labour...

We are now ten weeks, so I suppose it must be Day 71.

Hair washed and tied back with a scarf. Bit arty-farty but it keeps the hair off my forehead and neck.
Still sunny with a little breeze. Rain has been forecast over night. Not sure I believe them.

Awake early so got up. So did P, so we collected plants, goosegogs, meringues and cherries. Filled water containers and make flask of coffee and went to plot. A said she would come this morning as she didn't have time to water yesterday, so P left me there while he did shopping. A to text him when we are leaving. There was a plan to net the fruit so I set to weeding the fruit bed. Found lots of strawberry plants. Later, when A and J came, we also found the first ripe strawberries - hurrah! The marestail seems to shelter and keep them warm so they grow and ripen early. A few raspberries were ready as well.
Useful marestail! A even suggested keeping some of it to carry on doing the job.
Very warm on the plot, so kept stopping for coffee.
Pp came to collect J but stayed to help with the netting. Good job, his height was needed and I think he enjoyed knocking the posts in. Chap at no.23 gave us some netting he wasn't using. Nice bloke, must make and take some choc-chip cookies.
Finished about 12.30, tired then.
A home to make sourdough. Could be taking over the kitchen, in this heat!
Salad for tea - Aga off.

Last night got email off J. Market keeping in touch and has rules (of course it does!) for when we go back to selling. Very complicated and starts off by saying most of the producers have to self-isolate as they are over 70, so who would bake?
Is it me not listening again? Only, I thought it was only over 70's who had other underlying conditions that made them vulnerable, who had to isolate?
Anyway, J said we can think about it for a few weeks.
Until the gardens are sorted?

While A was checking the fruit around the well, she found a beautiful moth. Recognised it as one in my book, so checked when we got back. It is a Poplar hawkmoth, lives on poplars (of course) but also willow, which is in the fruit bed. Bright green larva, diagonal stripe, 'horn' on tail end.

Also saw a 7 spot orange ladybird, a peacock butterfly and a red admiral. And possibly a small copper - it flew off before I could get a good look.

Will try to get enough energy up to do the lavender this afternoon. I think it would look nice with the daisies I got from Rosemary at the back, by the proto-woodland path.


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