Go away........

Felt like a 'can't be bothered' day today, so we went over to Chinese supermarket and Costco for some shopping. Came back with dim sum for us and to share, and sugar and other things for preserve making.

A and LB came round late afternoon to collect some things. LB is loving being back at nursery, and he has graduated in to underpants! So pleased with himself, the transition has happened very quickly. Just goes to show, it happens when they are ready.

Phone call and email from Rosemary about putting up prices of jars, then she sent a bossy email to everyone else hoping the increase (which we decided upon!) was okay with them!
J wasn't happy - a bit mean, really, but I shall let them get on with it. After all, I can always bow out. And if P is having treatment at the end of July, I wont be able to do the Market anyway.

Notice on the Wirral side of the tunnel, on the matrix board -

                             Covid 19
           Is your journey really necessary?

Nothing like the personal (and direct) approach!


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