Plot and parcels.

Went to the plot yesterday afternoon to water the new plants and put the rest of the rubbish in the car for P to take to the tip today. He backed the car down the access path - a bit of a squeeze.
There are asparagus spears to pick and A said we could have them as they already have some in the fridge. A reward!

Did the shopping at Asda. Went early and walked straight in. When we reached the queue to check out, I left P. and went to Boots for J's cream. Checked the bank, still solvent.
Claremont farm next for eggs, watercress, asparagus and cake. Then on to Jackie's with the chutney for Sandra's order and some crocossmia corms. She gave me some netting for the plot. Then on to Aldi for cornflakes and a few bits. Back to A's with her things and then home.
Weather is sunny but the cool wind was still about yesterday. Not been out today, but looks like a summers morning.
The female blackbird is as agitated as ever.

Yesterday was the first day of relaxing the rules but as few people understand them, the only difference seemed to be increased traffic on the roads.
And empty buses.
Probably empty trains, all six carriages.

P may be getting some casual work but A is worried it may clash with her teaching.
We have said we will step in.
We see few people and it wont be for more than a couple of hours.
And there was something on Sunday about meeting family members (of four to six) as long as social distancing is observed.

So today it is plot for me while P goes to tip and maybe see A there. Must remember to take coffee in case I am there awhile.
Crispy duck and gyozo for tea,

P. left me at the plot and I started tidying the fruit bushes. Well, the plan was to tie back the currents so not battered every time the lid to the well is lifted. But then there were spiky things attacking me, so you trace them back and cut/trim and then there is the ever-present horsetail fern and noticing goosegogs and....... so it goes.
A. arrived so we worked together, talking plants. I have missed this! We stopped for coffee then did some more, before she had to go. The sun was high, hot and with no sun screen she would burn.
But it was good.
Pipers Farm had arrived before she came so P/D collected our bits before going on to the tip.
He was in the queue for two and a half hours, so I wasn't collected until 2.30pm.
So glad I had the rest of the coffee and some graze bars.

The weather is warmer, clear skies except for two vapour trails and various birds. Pheasants squarking (or barking? not sure what their call is called).
Who would know the planet is fighting back and teaching these obstreperous humans a lesson in balance?


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