F... freedom?

Had a bbq. P suggested it and it was met with 'Yes!yes!' all round. LB was excited and apparently asked 'has the lockdown ended?' Bless him, but restrictions have been eased slightly, enough to meet 4-6 people from other households, in the open, with distancing.
Well, as the song says, two out of three ain't bad.
And it was lovely, we have all missed it so much.

Despite our record with alfresco eating, there is still no sign of rain. A said the well was mud last time she went. Will have to take some water tomorrow when we take the rest of the plants and the gro-bags.
GW mag arrived today, after A doing her best to sort out the subscription. I get it wrong so, so often.

Did shopping this morning. Wednesday is by far the best day, people wise and goods-on-shelf wise.
Idiots are there whenever.

Went for a walk along the front yesterday. Lots of pictures drawn by the children, thanking the essential workers for struggling on. At the end was a printed A4. If it was done by a child, then it was one who was far too cynical. It said - If it looks like Fascism and it sounds like Fascism, chances are it is fascism.

There is a suggestion that small areas that have increased levels of infection go in to isolation 'until the risk has reduced again'.
And then there is Trumpton and his take on the meaning of freedom of speech (i.e. what I say).

Do I need to refer you to the above?


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