
Am I being paranoid? Are our civil liberties being eroded?
We all know to keep our distance from each other, it makes sense.
Also shopping only when necessary because of the contact with others.
But then you hear of a shopkeeper being told they can not sell Easter eggs because it's not essential food.
So are we only allowed to buy certain items? If shopping in Costco (or somewhere similar) can we only buy what is considered essential and not, for example, a television or new smart phone? Is it rationing by another name?
And what about shopping online?
More worrying was the announcement by the Scottish minister that it was proposed to have trials without a jury.
I find myself questioning whether I should go out, will people be watching, will I be stopped by officialdom?
When does my choice of action become someone else's?
Where does the advice become power, becomes bullying, becomes dictatorship?

Perhaps it was the vinegar fumes that encouraged this train of thought - I made Cranberry+Courgette chutney today.
If the Market doesn't open again, we will all have to eat it.
                            From this -               
to this!


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