Cookies, biscuits and idiocy.

I have had to come out of the front room. The news is on and guess what? DT has suggested his fellow americans who have COVID-19 could inject bleach or disinfectant to kill it.
Is the plan to kill off those wimps who have succumbed to the (hoax) infection? Or his supporters who think he is omnipotent?
That would be an acceptable reason for not getting a second term, I suppose.

Weather is still sunny and getting warmer. P. did some shopping this morning for A and family. Finances seem sorted.
(Have I mentioned P. has been furloughed from Aintree? Total amazement, but a nice surprise. )
Butterflies coming in to the garden now, fritillaries yesterday, a brimstone and some little blues. Still not sure which one, as about 6 look very similar.
Bit like the fritillaries.

Made triple choc-chip biscuits. Yummy. P. says definitely biscuits, not cookies - too crispy!
Hugh's Lockdown Kitchen has a recipe for cookies(?) without flour, as it is so hard to find. He uses a drained tin of chickpeas instead, so am just waiting for the Aga to heat up (we turned it off last night, as it was warm).
Will add photos if possible.

Heard from T and family. He has had it, but mild. Everyone else is coping, although M and her care home are finding things a challenge.

In an attempt to keep the 'little grey cells' working, have just completed week 1 of a FutureLearn course on the development of the book.


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