
Had a foodie swap with a friend, marzipan for chocolate. Think I had the best of the deal as not only was there dark, milk, white and caramel curls, also some dried fruit and 2 warm double chocolate cookies.
Yes, I too have baked today. I'll add a photo.

Simnel muffins are easier than doing a large cake and (undecorated) will freeze.

I had planned to do some chutney today but a friend phoned and then it was time for lunch. Chutney is not like jam or marmalade, each batch takes as long as it takes. So you need to start early, just in case.
So I prepared the fruit and veg so it can be cooked tomorrow.

Way back when, a feature of television programming was the Interlude and the Public Information Broadcast.
What goes around comes around.


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