The new normal.

Lockdown walk 25th March 2020

Sun shining, weather warming, wind dropped.

Not sure if we are allowed one hour of exercise or one trip outside to exercise (no time limit). I'm sure we are not the only ones confused by the rules designed to (apparently) save us from ourselves.
On our walk down to the front we saw lots of bumble bees, ladybirds and a hawthorn shield bug. Having reached the lifeboat station, turned back and returned via the Sandies. Saw more signs of Spring. Honey bees (wonder who has hives?) more ladybirds, bumble bees, peacock butterflies and (perhaps) a tortoiseshell butterfly. Robins proclaiming their territories and the inevitable seagulls squarking above.
In flower was Morning glory, Celendine, daffodils and white narcissus, naturalised hyacinths, red dead nettle, alexanders and of course daisies and dandelions.
  Tomorrow may need to shop for fruit and milk.


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