
Showing posts from March, 2020

Shrimps and teeth

Dilemma of the day - I had a dental appointment last week, for a check-up, which was cancelled. Fair enough, no problem. But..... a cracked filling has fallen out, along with a piece of tooth. So, do I try for an emergency appointment? There is no pain, I think the nerve is dead. On the other hand, it was a big bit that dropped out and how long will it be before decay sets in? Got the train to do some shopping and walked back along the cinder path. Yellow flowers abound (gorse and something else I didn't recognise, small holly-like leaves) also blue toadflax and white blossom.  The wet fishmonger was open and selling shrimps; lunch sorted! A good walk (with a bank robber look alike!) I am re-re-re (etc) reading the great Terry Pratchett. Current book is 'Going Postal'. I like the fact that golems know where people are by their karmic signature. We have something similar - a mobile phone.


My walk today took me to the allotment. There is a shed, so supplies can be left without contravening distancing rules. There were bulky things so the rucksack was supplemented with a new bright blue bag-for-life.  Nappies (various), kitchen roll (jumbo), biscuits (homemade, d.f. and yummy) and a pot of lavender cuttings from last year. Apart from bashing my knuckles on the gate, mission accomplished. Pulled up some mares tail, then A came, so after a few words (and no rain), I left. Sorted. Blossom out everywhere. Apple, pear on the plot. Flowering cherry in the gardens and our scrumping greengage is in full flower, a promise for autumn! Of course smoke alarms have to be loud, I know that. After all, they need to wake you up! But do they have to be so loud that they can be heard by people your neighbour is talking to on the telephone? Sanity calls, only connect.

Sunny Day

The days are becoming very alike, flags noting the days (e.g. Market on Friday, shopping Tuesday + Friday afternoon,  coffee shop and pastries on Saturday) are no longer permitted. But Sunday, a day when we have traditionally stayed at home, can still happen. So, today I got up first (as usual) and decided it should be a posh smellies day. Downstairs to make breakfast (as usual). Sometimes it is porridge but more often it is pastries and fruit. And coffee, of course. Ca Phé Vien mix (usual) Pastries today were almond, hazelnut praline, marmalade. Fruit was apple (always an apple a day), mango, grapes, clementine, strawberry. Yes, I know, they are from foreign climes and have little flavour, but some insist on a red splash in their cereal bowl! I made breakfast muffins yesterday, chocolate and apple with white chocolate drops. Most are in the freezer to see me though the week. I miss baking each week, perhaps that is why I seem obsessed with food. I spied some butter biscui...


Was it just me who thought "Ming Empire" when that drone started 'advising' people? And how high does the boredom indicator have to go before you think reporting a neighbour to the police for going out exercising twice (rather than once) a day, is a good idea? Went to do some gardening and guess what? The lilies in pots from last year are about 3" high! Now I just have to keep an eye out for the dastardly, but beautiful, lily beetle. Have a plan to put some broad beans in a huge pot. Is it too early?  Our walk today was to HB in search of shower gel etc. A good place for tinned food, hardly anyone in there. With the Market being closed, I am missing the baking; am spending a lot of time planning meals. 
Another day and in the background is the daily dose of the only news in town. We walked to the allotment today. Sun still shining, pleasantly warm and dithering over winter coat or squeezing in to a summer coat with a jumper. Elected to be comfortable and simply undid the zip. Plenty of room to "social distance" but to stop feeling awkward, everyone exchanged smiles and greetings. Going along the Monkey Woods there were lots of daffs, Morning glory and Green Alkanet. Even some early bluebells and pink or white bells. Daisies and some buttercups of course. Once across the railway lines it is mostly overgrown grasses and some brambles. The allotments are of course very well tendered - except ours, which being new-to-us is full of all sorts and an amazing amount of field horsetail. Just now the spikes are shooting up everywhere, seemingly just waiting for you to walk by before erupting. No matter how many are pulled up, there is always another! There are lots of birds abo...

The new normal.

Lockdown walk 25th March 2020 Sun shining, weather warming, wind dropped. Not sure if we are allowed one hour of exercise or one trip outside to exercise (no time limit). I'm sure we are not the only ones confused by the rules designed to (apparently) save us from ourselves. Whatever. On our walk down to the front we saw lots of bumble bees, ladybirds and a hawthorn shield bug. Having reached the lifeboat station, turned back and returned via the Sandies. Saw more signs of Spring. Honey bees (wonder who has hives?) more ladybirds, bumble bees, peacock butterflies and (perhaps) a tortoiseshell butterfly. Robins proclaiming their territories and the inevitable seagulls squarking above. In flower was Morning glory, Celendine, daffodils and white narcissus, naturalised hyacinths, red dead nettle, alexanders and of course daisies and dandelions.   Tomorrow may need to shop for fruit and milk.