
Showing posts from December, 2020

Trying, still trying....

 The moon is full, the year is ending, planet alignments have been witnessed and enquiries are being made to recycle the tree. There were the usual dramas, albeit with fewer people. Choking (and recovering, thank goodness) on too large a piece of beef; excess excitement, Skyping the relatives, opening the pressies, paper in the recycling bin, whether they want it or not.  I thought it went well. But I had failed to notice the deep disappointment. Failed.  Again! Perhaps next year might be better - we hope, next year will be better.......

Too little sleep last night?

 Two dog walkers, approaching from opposite directions. It is dawn, cloudy with mist in the air. One dog has a flashing light attached to its collar.  Perhaps its owner is short-sighted. Second dog yaps. Dad! Dad! He's got a light, Dad. A flashing light, Dad. Can I have a light Dad? Dad? Can I have one? Look, Dad, it's flashing, Dad!  It's blue, Dad! Can I have a blue light, Dad? Can I Dad? Dad? Do they do other colours, Dad? Red ones Dad/ Can I have a red one, Dad? Dad? Can I? Can I Dad? Dad? First dog just walks past, ignoring the yappy dog. His walker also tries to ignore the yappy dog. Second dog keeps pulling on his lead, turning back to look at the first dog. Dad? Dad? Can I Dad? It's Christmas, Dad, can I? Can I Dad? A red one? Please? Dawn breaks, street lights dim, yapping fades.